Friday, November 14, 2008

When the Words Come Out

I am just sitting here wondering about something--should a person feel bad for something they say, if it is exactly how they feel, but it hurts someone else's feelings?

Lately it seems like I have said alot of things that may have caused a little pinch for someone else. Or my words have developed into an argument. But I think I've been holding some of it in for a while, because I didn't want to make someone else mad.

So should I be apologetic if it's exactly what I mean and what I feel? Is it fair that I have to bite my tongue to save someone else from getting vexed? On the other hand it is fair that I'm pissing someone off?

I know alot of it has to do with not what you say but how you say it. However sometimes there's no other way and its just brewed and needs to come out. Then what...? I really don't think there is a happy medium in this case.

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